About Us
Mailing Address / 辦公室:
MERC, P.O. Box 483, Hayward, CA 94543 Telephone / 電話: 510-881-9995 E-Mail / 電子郵件: mercchineseschool [at] gmail.com LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/3032877 |
In order to foster an appreciation of the cultural diversity of American society, the primary objectives and purposes of M.E.R.C. shall include, but not be limited to:
為了促進美國社會文化的多元化, M.E.R.C. 的宗旨包括:
- developing multicultural education resources in the forms of books and materials collection, lectures, seminars, classroom presentations, and exhibits, open to the general public including schools at all levels, libraries, and other nonprofit organizations with the same concern;
- providing short-term instructions for learning a second language (non-English) including Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) Spanish, and other languages for multicultural enrichment;
- strengthening community relationships among diverse cultural groups by sponsoring multicultural events including cultural fair, exhibits, workshops and any and all other appropriate means;
- developing international research projects with scholars and reputable institutions from other countries with the same multicultural concerns;
- organizing other lawful acts in furtherance of activities of similar nature that would further the fostering and/or development of cultural diversity of the American society.
為了促進美國社會文化的多元化, M.E.R.C. 的宗旨包括:
- 提供多文化教育資源以書和材料彙集, 演講, 研討會, 教室介紹, 和展覽的形式, 對公眾打開包括學校在所有水平、圖書館, 和其它非盈利性組織與同樣關心;
- 提供短期指示為學會第二語言(非英語) 包括中國語(國語和廣東) 西班牙語, 和其它語言為多文化充實;
- 主辦社區活動以加強不同文化的社區關係 , 譬如文化集市、展覽, 訓練課
- 與學者和在其它國家同樣關心多文化的機關共同提供國際研究計劃;
- 組織合法的行動以促進會美國社會中的文化多元化並且/或 者發展相似的活動。